What we have available FOR SALE right now.

Flock of 88

85 ewes and 3 rams.

Will sell individually, in small groups or all as one flock.

Ewes $200-$250 individually. Rams. $350-$400 or $16,950 for all 88.

Dorper sheep for sale in Alabama

Flock of 15 Dorpers

14 ewes and 1 ram.

Ewes $250-$300 individually, ram $350.

$3,850 for all 15.

lambs for sale in Alabama

35 Ewe Lambs

5-8 months old, 50-75 lbs.

$150-$200 individually.

$5,000 for all 35.

Sold: Call to be placed on waiting list

Flock of 140

125 ewes, 15 rams . Most Katahdins. Heavy bred, grass fed, electric fence trained, all off one farm. $185-$225 individually. Will sell individually, in small groups are all as one flock. $26,000 for all 140.

Sold: Call to be placed on waiting list

Large, Heavy Ewes

28 large frame ewes (average just under 150 lbs each). If you are wanting big sheep, this is the group for you. $225-$275 individually or $6,300 for all 28.

Sold Flock of 51

Flock of 50 ewes and 1 ram. Ewes are Katahdins, Dorpers, White Dorper crosses, ages 1-6 years old. $200-$250 individually. Will sell individually, in small groups are all as one flock. $10,375 for all 51.

SOLD Flock of 52

Flock of 27 ewes and 25 lambs.

Ewes are 1-4 years old. Lambs are 2 weeks to 2 months old.

$7,000 for all 52.

Unrelated rams available.

SOLD: Please call to be put on waiting list.

Hair Sheep Ewes

90 large frame ewes. Most are Katahdins. They have been exposed to rams, so they should be bred.

3 rams are also available.

$200-250 individually. Call for group pricing.

SOLD: Call to be placed on waiting list.

Flock of 70 Hair Sheep

65 ewes & 5 rams.

Most are Katahdins under two years old.

Will sell individually, in small groups, or all as one flock.

Ewes $200-$245 individually. Call for small group pricing.

Rams $350-$450 each.

$14,850 for all 70.

SOLD: Please call to be put on waiting list

15 young Hair Sheep ewes.

Mostly Katahdin Ewes $200-$225 individually or $3,000 for all 15.

I also have some good young unrelated Katahdin rams ($400 each).

SOLD: Call to be placed on waiting list

Prime Katahdin Ewe Lambs

Great starter flock. 50 ewe lambs. Will be ready to breed this Fall. Can also provide a young, unrelated ram ($375).

Ewes $225 each individually or $9,750 for all 50.

SOLD: Call to be placed on waiting list

Flock of 33 Dorpers .

30 ewes and 3 young rams. Most are under a year old..

$8,000 for all 33

SOLD: Call to be placed on waiting list

Flock of 140 Hair Sheep.


Will sell individually, in small groups, or all as one flock.

Ewes $215-$275 each.
Ram $450-$500.

Sold: Contact to be put on waiting list

Young Flock.

High quality Hair Sheep.

13 Katahdin ewes all under a year $275-$300 individually, or $275 a head if you want all 13.

2 rams. Both under a year old and weight around 200 lbs. $500 each.

6 Dorper ewes all under a year old. $300 individually or $285 a head if you want all 6.  young ewes

$6,225 if you want all 21.

Sold: Contact to be put on waiting list

Flock of 60 ewes and 3 rams.

About half are under a year old. Most are Katahdins with a few Dorpers and Dorper/Katahadin crosses. The ewes should be bred.
Ewes $265-$300 individually.
Rams $500 each.
$17,000 for all 63.

Sold: Contact us to be placed on waiting list

Flock of 99 ewes and 5 young rams

Most of the ewes are going to under two years old and most heavy bred.

$28,650 for all 104. Can sell individually or in smaller groups.

Sold: Contact us to be placed on waiting list

Flock of 29 ewes & 1 young ram

29 ewes (good ages, several showing heavy bred)

$7,750 for all 30. Can sell individually or in smaller groups.

SOLD - Contact to be put on wait list

26 Katahdin Ewe Lambs

26 ewe lambs (around 8 months old).

$6,250 for all 26. Can sell in smaller groups or individually.

SOLD - Contact to be put on wait list

Flock of 45 Hair Sheep

44 large frame ewes (Katahdin or Katahdin/Dorper crosses), 1 large Katahdin ram. Ewes should be bred.

$10,400 for all 45. Can sell individually or in smaller groups.