Providing breeding stock for small and large farms.

Goats and sheep are far more profitable than most other livestock.

Small ruminants like goats and sheep are perfect for small farms with limited acreage. $500/acre annual profit is very reasonable.

Sheep and goats offer the following advantages:

- Smaller initial investment ($250-$350 for a good breeding ewe/doe).

- Quicker return/profit (12-18 months or less).

- Safer and easier to handle than cows.

- Requires less acreage (one acre of good pasture can sustain up to 5 head).

- Run well along side cattle or horses for diversification.

What we have available FOR SALE right now.

Dorper sheep for sale in Alabama

Flock of 15 Dorpers

Large frame Dorpers.

14 ewes (ages 10 months to 5 years) $250-$300 each

1 ram. $350.

$3,850 for all 15.

Kiko nannies for sale in Alabama

24 Kiko/Boer Nannies

$175-$225 individually.

$4,450 for all 24.

lambs for sale in Alabama

35 Ewe Lambs

5-8 months old, 50-75 lbs.

$150-$200 individually.

$5,000 for all 35.

goats for sale in Alabama

Herd of 19

16 Kiko/Boer nannies. $150-$200 individually.

1 Boer buck $450, 1 Kiko buck $375, 1 Kiko buck $350

$3,600 for all 19.

Sheep for sale in Alabama

Flock of 88

85 ewes and 3 rams.

Will sell individually, in small groups or all as one flock.

Ewes $200-$250 individually. Rams. $350-$400 or $16,950 for all 88

Katahadin sheep for sale

Sold: Call to be placed on waiting list

Around 60 Boer & Kiko Nannies

Good ages, great quality, good color, very nice set.

$250-$275 Individually, Call for group pricing

Information and tips on raising goats and sheep on our YouTube channel

“Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds; for riches are not forever… the lambs will provide for your clothing, and the goats the price of a field.”

— Proverbs 27:23-26